
Adaptive Cycling Program

The BORP Adaptive Cycling Center in Berkeley hosts one of the largest collections of adaptive bikes in the world, including handcycles, recumbent bikes, side-by-side tandems, and other models. The Center serves children, youth and adults with physical disabilities and visual impairments, as well as their family and friends.

The Center is located near a quiet bike path in Aquatic Park, which connects with the San Francisco Bay Trail, allowing extensive cycling opportunities. Adaptive cycling means that everyone, regardless of physical disability, can engage in exhilarating exercise while experiencing the beauty and inspiration of the outdoors.

Visiting the Cycling Center

Visitors to the Cycling Center must make an appointment. For newcomers, our friendly staff and volunteers help find the right bike and fit that works for you.

First visit appointment: We prefer that newcomers to the Cycling Center make an appointment, so our friendly staff and volunteers will have enough time to help you find the right bike and fit that works for you.

The Cycling Center is open by appointment:

February: 11am-4pmSaturdays

March – October: 4pm-7pm Tuesdays/Thursdays & 10am-1pm Saturdays

BORP’s Golden Gate Park Cycling Program runs June – October, every Saturday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Find us behind the Bandshell on the Music Concourse.

BORP Cycling Open Hours will be affected by the Revolution Ride and Festival (May) and the BORP EXPO (October). Please call or email for specifics. Additionally, we are closed for all federal holidays.

Address: 80 Bolivar Drive, Berkeley, CA 94710

To make an appointment or for more information, contact Always include your phone number.

BORP’s cycles are available for single-day/hourly use during open hours for people with disabilities cycling from and back to the cycling center. BORP does not sell adaptive bikes or make them available for take-away rental.

Bring Adaptive Cycling to Your Organization

BORP also provides custom programs serving schools, nonprofits, and providers of services for people with disabilities. These can be delivered at our site, or at off-site locations. Contact or 510-848-2930 for more information.

Stories and News about the program