Call for Submissions: Disability in America Anthology
January 15, 2011
This year, the disability community is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the
passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the civil rights law that
protects the rights of people with disabilities. Although the struggle
continues, NYLN (National Youth Leadership Network) recognizes that the realities of people with disabilities look vastly different in many ways. With this in mind, NYLN is requesting proposals for chapters in a book-length anthology to document this legacy and record the stories of young people with disabilities talking about what it is to grow up with a disability in this day and age. NYLN is seeking creative non-fiction essays from young people with disabilities ages 13-30 (some flexibility will be available for compelling submissions from individuals slightly outside our preferred age range). People with all types of disabilities are welcome to submit. Speaking from personal experience is strongly encouraged. The intent of this project is to use personal voices to capture the experience of the new generation of young people with disabilities.
For details email: