Hello BORP,
What an exciting day full of great play, great sportsmanship and great food!
Thanks to Leigh, Rebecca, Diane and everyone else who helped with the hearty buffet of delicious snacks and lunches. Thanks to our amazing staff, volunteers and families for their tremendous support. We would not be able to have 3 full teams without the generous contributions of time, money and resources that our “family” provides. Thanks to the players for giving their best efforts on and off the court and for the encouragement and respect they show each other and the other teams (and referees). The World Cup is gratifying to be part of but nothing in my job gives me more ongoing and unfailing joy than working with the BORP Power Soccer Program. Thank you!
I am sure all of you had your own particular Kodak Moments. Some of my high points of the day:
Jake Bath plays his first game ever and gets 2 assists.
Ruby Shemaria scores her first goal in competition.
Stephen Dykstra blocks a penalty kick
Ian Kinmont scores 5 goals
Bombers defense in the second half of both their games after tough starts (nice coaching, Julie!)
Additional goals from: Brian Larson, Milo Balziunas, Edana Contreras, Emile Perry and April Bryant.
Additional assists from: Brian Larson (2), Milo Balcziunas and April Bryant.
Sylvia coming to support the team even though she was not able to play.
BORP Bombers 0
San Jose Rockets 9
BORP Crushers 2
San Jose Rockets 2
BORP Bombers 2
BORP Crushers 8
And after a long day of competition Chris Finn, Rich Dykstra, Stephen Dykstra and stellar volunteer Kevin McGown participated in a full practice with the Bay Earthquakes (while I kicked back in the bleachers)
I am looking forward to a wonderful season for all our teams.