Exciting news from BORP and Access Northern California

BORP and ANC logos

BORP has recently joined forces with Access Northern California (ANC), bringing their wealth of information and resources about accessible travel and outdoor adventures in Northern California under the BORP organizational umbrella. ANC was founded by former BORP staff person and ongoing supporter, collaborator and participant, Bonnie Lewkowicz in 1997. ANC’s vision is for all people with disabilities to have the freedom to participate in universally accessible travel and recreation, and this is a vision that naturally aligns with BORP’s mission and dovetails with our Adventures and Outings program. While we have been working closely with Bonnie for years, we couldn’t be more excited to formalize the relationship and welcome her (back) aboard the BORP staff. We look forward to the many ways that her work and the information available through ANC will enrich the lives of BORP participants and make it easier for people with disabilities to explore outdoor destinations and take advantage of Northern California’s rich array of natural resources.