Adventures & Outing

Making Recreation Accessible

Everyone, regardless of disability, should have the opportunity to enjoy outdoor recreation and cultural experiences. BORP’s Adventures & Outings program supports this by:

  • Hosting regular group trips for people with disabilities;
  • Helping individuals and families plan their own independent recreation and travel through our Access Northern California Website;
  • Offering regular recreational activities like adaptive kayaking and birding.

Interested in joining us?

Group Outings

BORP’s trips are fun group adventures that explore the Bay Area’s nature, recreation, and culture. Examples include a day trip to Angel Island, wine tasting in Sonoma County, hiking an accessible trail, or attending a live performance. Many trips are appropriate for children, youth and their families. On occasion, BORP also provides outings specifically for children and youth.

Participants forge new friendships, challenge themselves to do new things, and often discover new interests, skills and a sense of empowerment.

BORP provides wheelchair-accessible transportation and volunteer support, including sighted guides when available. However, we do not provide attendant care.

Recreation Activities

BORP provides a variety of accessible recreational activities, including:

  • Adaptive kayaking at the BORP Adaptive Cycling Center in Berkeley;
  • Birding through our Birding for All program;
  • Activities provided with partner organizations like archery and indoor adaptive climbing.

Interested in joining us?

New to A&O? Please review the registration steps below:

To register for an A&O activity,please take the following steps:

  • Contact Lori Gray, A&O coordinator, either by phone at 510-843-4398 (after 10am) or by email at Lori will most likely need to reply to emails via telephone, so please be sure to include your phone number. No text messages.
  • After you’ve reviewed the full information about a particular outing, please reserve your spot with Lori.
  • If there is a fee associated with the outing: unless otherwise specified, payment for outings is due on the day of the outing.
  • Cash is preferred for A&O event payments. 
  • If you need to pay via check, please let us know in advance. 
  • A&O is unable to process credit card payments for outings at this time. 
  • Transportation: BORP has two buses, and space is limited on them. For BORP bus transportation, we are not able to be socially distanced on the bus. Everyone on the bus (and at the A&O event) must wear a mask and be fully vaccinated. We will have the bus windows open for increased ventilation, so please dress in layers. 
  • If you prefer, you may transport yourself and meet us at the location of the outing. 

We are currently offering both virtual and in-person outings. 

  • For in-person outings: Due to the fact that we will be going to public places, everyone in the A&O group will need to remain masked unless eating or drinking. If you are exhibiting symptoms of illness, please DO NOT attend.
  • The BORP participant form can be filled out online. It is for the most part screen reader friendly. 
    • Please note at the bottom of the participant form there’s a link that you have to click on to get to the waivers; please sign both waivers. Once signed, you can submit the participant form. 
    • The liability waiver: There’s a way to click and then print your name or type your name at the end of the participant form.
    • The publicity waiver seems to be tricky for screen readers. Please be sure to check all programs you participate in including A&O,which stands for Adventures and Outings. 
    • Please note, if you’ve already done these forms since July 1, 2022, you do not have to do it again. However, everytime you fill them out, the information feeds right into our database, confirming that you are definitely in there and your information is up to date.
    • The participant form link is here.
    • Please let Lori know once you’ve submitted the participant form and waivers, and if you have any problems filling them out.

Interested in Volunteering?

Volunteers play an important role in providing support and assistance on BORP’s adventures and outings.

Covid Regulations:

While we cannot completely eliminate the risks associated with COVID-19, we will follow the guidelines of local health departments and the City of Berkeley and take the necessary steps to minimize risk.

The following BORP COVID-19 guideline updates will remain in place until further notice for all individuals aged 5 years and older.

“Fully vaccinated” – Per the City of Berkeley, “fully vaccinated” is defined as 14 days after the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine or 14 days after the second shot of the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. BORP is also requiring that staff, participants and volunteers have received their booster if it has been more than five months since their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or more than two months after the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine.

Adventures & Outings
Participants, their families, volunteers, and staff will be asked to be fully vaccinated and wear a mask for both indoor and outdoor activities due to the nature of the activities.

Masks: Participants, their families, volunteers, and staff are required to wear an N95 or comparable mask (KN95, KF94), or be double-masked for all indoor activities.

If you have a fever, don’t feel well, or have any other symptoms, please stay home.

*Proof of Vaccination as outlined in the order by the City of Berkeley revised on February 7, 2022, shall include only the following documentation indicating that a person is vaccinated for COVID-19. BORP is not equipped to read QR codes at this time:

a. A Vaccination Card issued by the CDC or a foreign governmental jurisdiction which includes the name of the person vaccinated, the type of vaccine provided, and the date(s) the dose or doses were administered;

b. A photo or copy of a Vaccination Card either as a hardcopy or stored on a phone or electronic device; or

c. Documentation of vaccination from a healthcare provider; or

d. A personal digital COVID-19 vaccine record issued by the State of California and available by going to or similar documentation issued by another state, local, or foreign governmental jurisdiction.

Stories and News about the program